Rapid Tax Refund - File Online Income Tax and Get Rapid Tax Refund. |
Easy and Economical free tax preparation services for direct submitting your income tax return to IRS. E-File your free federal taxes today and get tax refund Fastest way Possible. Use our easy to use navigation and user friendly work sheet for calculating your tax, which enables you to know your taxes owe or refund due status on the spot. Our unique free tax filing services helps you in direct efiling your tax return to IRS. | Free Online Tax Preparation - Fast Refunds. IRS approved and guaranteed accurate. All 50 states. E-file your tax return at H&R Block at Home. | Here is the fasterst Tax Refund option available on the web. Click on Start here button to start your free federal tax return online finish it in less than 30 mins. and get Rapid Tax Refund.Prepare Taxes Online. Get money in Fastest way Possible. Guranteed Accurate. Free To Try. Get Started Now! | We are pleased to announce that our fast Tax Refund Program for the year 2011 is open now for your to file your federal tax return online for free and Get Money Faster. Efile your federal income tax today with H&R Block online and get maximum tax refund with lowest fees. With this you also allow to get your money delivered by Direct Deposit by Paper Check - The choice is yours. |
Labels: Fast Tax Refund in Fastest way Possible
Get Tax ID Number and Tax Return Copy
Need a Tax Identification Number? | A Tax Identification Number or TIN is an identifying number used for tax purposes in the United States. It may be assigned by the Social Security Administration or by the IRS. A business need a Federal Tax Identification Number or Employer Tax Identification Number, so that they can maintain their own image or entity in the market. It is to be noted that, the tax ID number could not be transfer in case of the transferring of any business. If the structure or ownership would be changed then a new tax ID number is required for the business. But above all you have to collect the relevant information to get an EIN. |  |
Need a Copy of Past Tax Return? | Taxpayers have two easy and convenient options for getting copies of their federal tax return information — tax return transcripts and tax account transcripts — by phone or by mail. If you need a photocopy of a previously processed tax return and attachments, complete Form 4506, Request for Copy of Tax Form, and mail it to the IRS address listed on the form for your area. Copies are generally available for the current and past 6 years. |  |
Prepare Your Taxes Online and Get Rapid Tax Refund.
Prepare Your Taxes Online and Get Rapid Tax Refund.Preparing your income taxes can seem challenging, but it doesn't have to be. Millions of people are using tax websites to prepare and file their income tax return online. By preparing and filing your taxreturn online you will, avoid the work involved in doing everything by hand, save the cost of paid Tax Preperation, and you'll get your Rapid Tax Refund. Filing online will allow you to get your tax refund in as little as 10 days (according to the IRS) If you're still preparing your taxes with pen and paper, you may be surprised to learn that an estimated 70 million tax returns will be filed electronically in 2008. Such trends show the growing popularity of preparing and income Tax Return Filing online. There are several good reasons to prepare and file your taxes online # If you expect a refund check, filing online is a great option. The IRS can process your return and issue tax refunds much sooner than if you mailed a paper return. # Preparing and filing directly from your computer will cost you much less than going to a tax professional, and way less than going to a CPA. # By using your computer, your forms will be much more legible than anything you could hand-write, which will help cut down on possible errors. Join the millions of people who have discovered how easy, online Tax Filling can be. The cost will be much less, your tax forms will get to the IRS with no hand-written errors, and you'll get your tax refund in as little as 10 days.
Tax refunds aren't as hefty as expected
As tax season draws to a close, many taxpayers are discovering that predictions of a refund windfall were overblown. Through April 9, the average refund was up $102 to $2,090, an increase of about 5% from refunds during the same period last year, the IRS says. Economists and tax analysts had earlier predicted the Bush administration’s $350 billion tax-cut package would boost refunds by more than 25%. The administration estimated the average refund would increase $300. Economists are puzzled by the smaller-than-expected refunds. “It’s a bit of a mystery,” says Goldman Sachs senior economist Jan Hatzius. Cynthia Latta, principal U.S. economist at Global Insight, says lower refunds could be caused by a stronger-than-expected stock market last year, which has led to higher capital gains payments. And households might have adjusted their withholding last year to account for the reduced taxes, she says. Other possible factors: •The alternative minimum tax. The AMT, originally designed to prevent the rich from avoiding taxes, will affect an estimated 3 million taxpayers this year. The AMT vaporizes many deductions and credits, reducing or eliminating the benefits of last year’s tax cut. Among this year’s AMT victims: Vice President Cheney. •Late filers. Some taxpayers who may be eligible for a big refund had to postpone filing their returns because of confusion over taxes on investment income. Leslie Hershey, 42, of Armonk, N.Y., who does her family’s taxes using TurboTax software, delayed filing until this week because she wasn’t sure how much she owed on stock dividends. One of her financial institutions sent three corrections to her 1099s, the forms that report interest and dividends. •The economy. Many taxpayers were unemployed or worked fewer hours last year, resulting in lower incomes and smaller refunds, says Mark Ernst, chief executive officer of H&R Block, the USA’s largest tax preparer. Refunds for Block customers are averaging about 5% higher this year than last. Conversely, the Bush administration says an increase in some taxpayers’ incomes could have reduced refunds. “That would be great news for the economy, and it would mean benefits from tax cuts were even larger than expected,” says Treasury spokeswoman Tara Bradshaw. While economists and the administration had been banking on higher refunds to provide a big stimulus to the economy in the first half of 2004, the economy appears to be doing fine without them. The government said Tuesday that March retail sales rose 1.8%, the best gain in a year. Labels: rapid online tax refund
Get bigger and rapid income tax refund in just 8 moves…
No need to dread tax time. Instead make it your business to understand tax laws and take as many deductions as you can. "At the end of the day it's not how much money you make, it's how much you keep," says Deborah Owens, author of Nickel & Dime Your Way to Wealth (Unlimited Publishing). Consider these eight deductions and strategies that can lower taxable income and raise your refund. MAKE WELLNESS PAY. Taking good care of yourself may help lower your tax liability, says Julie Miller, spokesperson for professional tax software, If your yearly health and medical expenses exceed 7 1/2 percent of your adjusted gross income (AGI), you may deduct the amount that exceeds that threshold. For example, say your AGI was $20,000: 7 1/2 percent is $1,500. So if you paid out $1,845 in unreimbursed medical expenses, you can deduct $345. Deductible health and medical expenses include smoking-cessation programs and doctor-prescribed weight-loss regimens. And the cost of any prescription drugs you pay for out of pocket, including contraceptives, count toward that 7 1/2 percent limit. MAXIMIZE PART-TIME INCOME. Do you sell Mary Kay on the side, or have you dabbled in some other part-time business? Office expenses associated with your side gig--including a portion of your rent if you have a home office--can add up and bring down your tax liability, says Cheryl D. Broussard, author of The Black Woman's Guide to Financial Independence: Smart Ways to Take Charge of Your Money, Build Wealth, and Achieve Financial Security (Penguin). "When you have a part-time business, the little things that you spend money on every day (office supplies, envelopes, stamps and so on) are deductible expenses," Broussard says. MAKE A LAST-MINUTE RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTION. If you are self-employed, you can put money away in a Simplified Employee Pension (SEP) account for the previous year up until the deadline for online income tax filling. The more money you can put into a tax-deferred retirement account, the less money you're taxed on today. Even if you have a full-time job, you can take advantage of this if you have a part-time business on the side. "As long as you have self-employed income, you can open an SEP account, and in some cases, you can put up to 25 percent of your net earned income in it," says Owens. ADD UNREIMBURSED JOB EXPENSES. If you spent money while working that was not reimbursed, you may deduct it if it was an "ordinary and necessary expense" for fulfilling your job. The IRS considers an expense to be ordinary if it is commonly accepted in your line of business. For example, teachers often spend their own money for classroom supplies. Elementary- and secondary-school educators can deduct up to $250 for those expenses as an adjustment to income, says Tamara Walker Smith, director of accounting and online tax preperation services for Henderson Financial Associates, Inc., in Southfield, Michigan. And any amount over that $250 threshold can still be itemized and deducted. DEDUCT FOR YOUR JOB SEARCH. If you spent time and money looking for employment last year, you can deduct the expense incurred as long as the job you were seeking was in your current line of work. "Phone calls to potential employers, help in getting your resume together, travel costs for interviews would all be deductible," says Miller. And don't worry if your efforts did not prove successful. "Just because you don't get a job offer does not mean you're not looking; those expenses are deductible," she says. INCLUDE EDUCATION COSTS. If you took classes related to your line of work, you may qualify for a deduction. According to the IRS, you can deduct education expenses if the instruction maintains or improves skills you need in your current job or if you are required by your employer or the law to get additional training to maintain your current salary or job. Classes related to a hobby or those you take in preparation for a career change are not deductible. DEDUCT CHARITABLE SERVICE. You probably know you can deduct cash donations or items such as clothing given to charities, but did you know that your service may also be deductible? "What many people overlook is the out-of-pocket money they spend in doing charitable work," says Miller. That means if you deliver meals to the elderly or you're a scout leader, you can deduct mileage and expenses related to your service activities. And if you attend a conference being held by a charitable organization, you can also deduct those travel expenses. SUBTRACT TAX-PREPARATION COSTS. Money you spend to prepare your online tax return is deductible. That means this year you can deduct the money you spent last year buying tax software or consulting a tax accountant. And keep in mind that patience pays: If you don't need Uncle Sam to return your money immediately, avoid using rapid-refund services because they have costs associated with them, says Smith. "This is a loan from a lending institution that charges you interest and fees," she points out. "If it's not an emergency, file electronically. You should receive your money back in a few weeks." Labels: Get Bigger Income Tax Refund
IRS reports increased tax refunds, more electronic filing
iThe Internal Revenue Service reported Wednesday that the average refund grew to $2,436 for tax returns filed through last Friday. That's a 9% increase from the average $2,230 check sent to early filers last year. The IRS also said it's seen an uptick in tax return filed electronically, with strong growth among individuals using tax software to file from home. The nation's tax collectors estimate that, for the first time, more than half the tax returns filed by individual and family tax returns will arrive electronically. "It's fast, easy and you get refunds in half the time," said IRS Commissioner Mark Everson. Tax refunds tend to be higher during the early part of the filing season, as individuals expecting a check act quickly to claim their money. This year's growing refunds can be partly pegged to tax changes that took effect last year, which increased tax benefits for low-income families, said Kathy Burlison, director of tax implementation at H&R Block. Those changes include an increase in the amount of child tax credit that can be claimed as a tax refund. The old law let families claim 10% of their earned income over $10,500, but a change now lets families claim 15% of earned income over $10,750. Low-income families also benefited from a small increase in the earned income tax credit, a benefit aimed at lifting low-wage workers out of poverty. "That's certainly meaning bigger refunds," she said. Burlison said other tax law changes could be contributing to the trend. Taxpayers who live in states without income taxes got a new deduction for state sales taxes, and parents and students saw a deduction for tuition and fees increase. A tax refund in the spring means a taxpayer overpaid throughout the previous year. Financial planners counsel taxpayers who get big refunds to make adjustments that let them get that money sooner. "In general, it's not a good idea to make an interest free loan to the government or to anybody else," said Alan Straus, an attorney and certified public accountant in Manhattan. "Most people would do better off adjusting their withholdings so that they take home more every week and don't wind up with a huge refund at the end of the year." For others, waiting to get that tax refund in the spring might be the best way to save money. "Everybody has different levels of discipline," said Peggy Cabaniss, a certified financial planner in Orinda, Calif. Taxpayers who got a big refund or a big bill who want to get closer to their true tax liability next year can change the amount of taxes withheld from their paychecks to either increase or decrease the amount withheld from their paychecks. Constantly changing tax laws can make it difficult to anticipate what next year's tax return will look like, Cabaniss said. She recommended taxpayers ask their tax professionals to get a forecast for the coming year. "The tax laws are changing every year," she said. "All of our finances and our taxes are getting more and more complicated, so it's requiring more preplanning and more work," she said. Labels: IRS reports - More efile Increased Tax Refunds
Rapid Tax Refund, Take Your Money Rapidly.
At tax time, most Americans find themselves expecting a refund. That's no surprise, as most people have too much money withheld from their paychecks. It would be a simple matter to adjust the withholding so that the amount of money withheld is roughly equal to the amount of tax owed, but most people are content to get a refund check every spring. Until relatively recently, when a taxpayer had a refund coming, he or she had to wait two months or so while the refund was processed and the check mailed. In recent years, however, major tax preparers have come up with a profitable alternative that keeps the taxpayer from having to wait so long – the Rapid Tax Refund. On the surface, this might seem like a great idea. Pay a fee, and get the refund now instead of later. But there are some problems with this service that many people either don't know about or overlook: # The fees are high; they average about $100 per refund. # When the fees are considered as interest, the interest rate can amount to more than 500% annually, a rate comparable to those of payday loans. # The people who elect to take the rapid refunds are often the people who can least afford them, so the process tends to take advantage of the poor. # The fees you pay for the rapid refund aren't getting you your refund that much faster Professional tax preparers usually file returns electronically, so the refunds, without the extra service, can often be had in as little as ten days.. # You are paying someone to lend you your own money! If you really, really need your refund quickly and you don't mind paying a hefty fee to get it a few days sooner, then go ahead and buy the rapid refund. For most people, however, the service is a poor investment.
Labels: Take Money Rapidly with Rapid Tax Refund
Do You know the Safest way to Get Rapid Tax Refund ?
The IRS can deposit rapid tax refund directly into your checking or savings account. Direct deposit is faster and safer than having a check mailed to your home address. Main Features of Direct Deposit: Direct Deposit is : (1) Free ( No Hidden Cost )(2) Fast(3) SafeDirect Deposit is FreeDirect Deposit of your refund is a free service offered by the IRS and state tax agencies. Your tax preparer cannot charge you extra fees for using direct deposit. (This is forbidden by Treasury regulations governing tax professionals.) Direct Deposit is SafeThere's no check to get lost in the mail, or stolen by someone else. Direct Deposit is FastNot only is direct deposit faster because there's no check to mail out, it's also faster because the IRS sends out direct deposits earlier than they mail out paper checks. Generally, the IRS transmits direct deposits a full 7 days before they mail out a paper check. Double Check Your Direct Deposit InformationDouble check your Bank Routing Number and Bank Account Number when you fill out the direct deposit section of your tax return. These numbers are just as important as double checking your name, address, and Social Security Number. If you aren't sure what your bank numbers are, call your bank and ask. Labels: Safest way to Get Rapid Tax Refund
Check the Status of Your Tax Refund Online ! ! !
So, you were pleasantly surprised to learn that you are getting a refund on your taxes. Congratulations! The question for most taxpayers expecting a return is, "Where is my refund?" Check Your Refund Status Online The easiest way to check and get rapid tax refund is to ask the IRS through IRS.gov. On the home page of the site, you will see a "Where's My Refund?" link. Using the service is fairly easy. You will need a copy of your tax return to provide the necessary information to get the status of your refund. Specifically, you need to provide your social security number, your Free Tax Filing status and the exact amount of your refund. The reason the IRS requires all of this information is purely for security purposes, to wit, the agency wants to make sure it is giving access only to the taxpayer. Again, all of this information should be on your return. If it is not, something is very wrong! Once you submit the required information, the IRS will provide online results typically showing :- 1. That the return was received and is in processing 2. The expected mailing date or direct deposit date of your refund OR 3. Whether your refund could not be issued because of a delivery problem. In some cases, the results may alert you to the fact that the IRS is reviewing your Tax Return because of errors or questionable entries. In such a case, it is highly advised that you review your return with a qualified tax professional and make absolutely sure that the return will stand up to scrutiny. How Long Do You Have To Wait Before Checking? If you filed your tax return electronically, you should be able to access the status of your refund within 48 to 72 hours. Since the return is coming into the database electronically, it should be assimilated into the system fairly quickly. If you do not file your return electronically, you are going to have to wait three weeks or more before the status of your return can be checked. As you can imagine, the IRS is receiving an enormous amount of paper tax returns and it takes time to organize and enter the returns into the system. How Long Should It Take To Receive Your Tax Refund? If you are expecting a Rapid Tax Refund, the time to issue the refund will depend upon how you filed your return. If you filed a paper return via regular mail, you refund should be issued in six to eight weeks from the date it was received by the IRS. Alternatively, if you filed your return electronically, you should expect to receive your refund in three to four weeks. If you elected to have your refund directly deposited in your banking account, you should take one week off of the above estimates. Labels: Check Tax Refund Status
Use the Right Tax Form to pay accurate taxes and Get Rapid Refunds.
Filing your Online Tax Return is complicated enough already. Make it as easy as possible by using the right IRS income tax form. Here's how to choose which tax return form is easiest for you: IRS Income Tax Form 1040EZ # Taxable income below $50,000 # Single or Married Filing Jointly # Under age 65 # No dependents # Interest income of $1,500 or less IRS Income Tax Form 1040A # Taxable income below $50,000 # Capital gain distributions, but no other capital gains or losses # Only tax credits for child tax, education, earned income, child and dependent care expenses, adoption and retirement savings contributions # Only deductions for IRA contributions, student loan interest, educator expenses or higher education tuition and fees No itemized deductions IRS Income Tax Form 1040 # Taxable income of $50,000 or more # Itemized deductions # Self-employment income # Income from sale of property # The IRS will send you the income tax return form they believe is right for you, based on which tax form you used last year. If your situation has changed (for instance, if you filed form 1040EZ last year but you've purchased a house and can now itemize deductions), be sure to choose the correct income tax form so you pay as little tax as possible and avoid a possible audit. Labels: Pay accurate taxes and Get Rapid Refunds
Rapid Tax Refund with Direct Deposit
Want your refund faster? Have it deposited directly into your bank account. More taxpayers are choosing direct deposit as the way to receive their federal tax refunds. More than 52 million people had their tax refunds deposited directly into their bank accounts in 2005. It’s a secure and convenient way to get your money in your pocket faster. • Security. The payment is secure — there is no check to get lost. Each year thousands of refund checks are returned by the US Post Office to the IRS as undeliverable mail. Direct deposit eliminates undeliverable mail and is also the best way to guard against having a tax refund stolen. • Convenience. There’s no special trip to the bank to deposit a check! To request direct deposit, follow the instructions for “Refund” on your Tax Return Preparation. Want an even faster refund? Try e-file! Taxpayers who file electronically get their refunds in about half the time as those who file paper returns. A word of caution — some financial institutions do not allow a joint refund to be deposited into an individual account. Check with your bank or other financial institution to make sure your direct deposit will be accepted. Also, make sure you have the correct nine-digit routing number and your account number when selecting direct deposit. For more information about direct deposit of your tax refund, check the instructions for your tax form. This and other helpful tips are available in IRS Publication 17, Your Federal Income Tax. To get a copy, visit the Forms and Publications section of the IRS Web site, IRS.gov, or call 1-800-TAX-FORM (1-800-829-3676). Labels: Rapid Tax Refund through Direct Deposit
Telephone Tax Refund
The telephone Tax Refunds is a one-time payment available on your 2006 federal income tax return, designed to refund previously collected long-distance federal excise taxes. It is available to anyone who paid long-distance taxes on landline, cell phone or Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) service. In general, anyone who paid the long-distance telephone tax will get the tax refund on their 2006 federal income tax return. This includes individuals, businesses and nonprofit organizations. The 2006 return is usually filed during 2007. The IRS is making it easier for taxpayers by offering a standard refund amount between $30 and $60, so they don’t need to gather old phone bills. Taxpayers who choose the standard amount will only need to fill out one line on their tax returns. The standard amount is based on actual telephone usage data and the amount applicable to a family or other household reflects the long-distance phone tax paid by similarly sized families or households. Using this amount is the easiest way for taxpayers to get their refunds and avoid gathering 41 months of old phone records. In general, any individual, business or nonprofit organization that paid long-distance tax for service billed after Feb 28, 2003 and before Aug 1, 2006 is eligible to request the refund with suitable Tax Preperation. Instructions for requesting this refund will be included with your tax forms and at irs.gov. Therefore, most people will not need to call the IRS. If you decide to figure the actual amount and need to obtain copies of your phone bills, you should contact your phone service provider. Telephone companies may charge for copies of past bills. The standard amount includes interest. The IRS will issue guidance later this year relating to the payment of interest where the actual expense method is used. If you are in a position where you are not filing a return, you can still get the refund by Tax Filling with form 1040EZ-T. Labels: Telephone Tax Refund
Missing a Tax Refund? Find it Online
Are you getting a refund this year? If your answer is positive or say yes then why are you waiting for? You can get quick access to that money if you use electronic Tax Refund. The government will zap your refund dollars directly to your bank account, and its complete paperless procedure or we can say that you don’t have to fiddle with any more paper. Find out how to file your Income Tax Return Online, get rapid tax refund. Electronic Online Tax Filling is a great way to move money electronically. You don't have to mail or sign any checks over to the bank, and your money tends to move more quickly when you use Efile tax services. Labels: Online Tax Refund
Online Tax Preparation to Get Rapid Tax Refund
Online Tax Preparation with Fast Tax Refund IRS approved and guaranteed accurate. All 50 states. E-file your tax return at ThaTaxGear.Com Use our Online Tax Preperation services by thetaxgear.com for tax planning and to prepare your Tax Return online. Review your Tax Return online for free, like tax professional, CPA tax preparer review your tax return before paper filing your tax return through his tax software. Thetaxgear.Com brings for you the easiest E-Filing Option by way of brining a unique, easy to understand and most user-friendly Online Tax Filling services. Unless you hire a tax professional to do your dirty work and then electronically file your Tax Return on your behalf, you have two options for preparing an electronic return. Either your buy stand-alone package or just use the services provide by authorized IRS e-file provider to file your taxes online. The major benefit is that you don’t need to pay for tax software you have to pay only for services you rendered while preparing your tax return, right!!! And such services provided by Thetaxgear.com included free IRS E-File with your tax return. Labels: Prepare Taxes Online Get Rapid Tax Refund
Conventional Way for Tax Filing
The easiest and quickest way to file a return and obtain a refund, is to do this electronically--a practice already used by more than half of all taxpayers. The conventional way of filing taxes with the IRS has been opposed by online tax filing systems in recent times. Filing online will allow you to get your tax refund in as little as 10 days. The process of filing taxes online is simple and trouble free. The customer first prepares his tax papers personally or approaches professional tax consultants to do so on his behalf. After the tax papers have been prepared they can be effortlessly filed through an IRS e-file provider. Filing can be done online as well, but if an individual is not sure about the mechanics, it is better to seek professional guidance. Usually most tax experts will be licensed IRS e-file providers. The relevant documents are signed and retained by the customer for future reference. The IRS e-file provider then files the returns electronically on the behalf of the customers. Next, the IRS e-file provider sends the customer an acknowledgement mentioning the current status of the filing process. Online filing eliminates the need for going through tiring steps of rushing to the local IRS offices and post offices and waiting in never ending queues to post the papers before the due date. Office hopping has been completely eliminated. The only thing required is a reliable computer and Internet connection. Mistakes and errors can be corrected online in comparatively less time. Online tax filing has reduced the time gap prior to receiving tax refunds and papers can be printed to maintain precise records for future reference. Online tax filing also facilitates tax payments using credit cards. It has reduced back office processing time considerably. Join the millions of people who have discovered how easy, online tax filing can be. The cost will be much less, your tax forms will get to the IRS with no hand-written errors, and you'll get your tax refund in as little as 10 days.
Labels: Get Rapid Tax Refund
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