Filing your Online Tax Return is complicated enough already. Make it as easy as possible by using the right IRS income tax form. Here's how to choose which tax return form is easiest for you:
IRS Income Tax Form 1040EZ
# Taxable income below $50,000
# Single or Married Filing Jointly
# Under age 65
# No dependents
# Interest income of $1,500 or less
IRS Income Tax Form 1040A
# Taxable income below $50,000
# Capital gain distributions, but no other capital gains or losses
# Only tax credits for child tax, education, earned income, child and dependent care expenses, adoption and retirement savings contributions
# Only deductions for IRA contributions, student loan interest, educator expenses or higher education tuition and fees
No itemized deductions
IRS Income Tax Form 1040
# Taxable income of $50,000 or more
# Itemized deductions
# Self-employment income
# Income from sale of property
# The IRS will send you the income tax return form they believe is right for you, based on which tax form you used last year.
If your situation has changed (for instance, if you filed form 1040EZ last year but you've purchased a house and can now itemize deductions), be sure to choose the correct income tax form so you pay as little tax as possible and avoid a possible audit.